Welcome to your journey.

I am so glad you found us, and congratulations on your journey to parenthood. Whilst you are a little early, you are always welcome here.

Whatever the journey looks like for you, always know that your feelings and your experience is individual, and it matters. You matter.

My inbox is always open if you want to know more, ask questions or chat. I hope we can keep in touch when the time is right and we can help you get ready for your journey into motherhood.

Have a look around, feel the vibe of the community and I wish you all the success on your own journey.



Ensuring you surround yourself with good people during this time is so important. Here are some of my suggestions for those great people!

Hayley Down: Women’s health nutritionist and an absolute hormone wizard. I have worked with Hayley personally and she is amazing. She can focus her work, knowledge and packages to those trying to concieve and she has had lots of success in helping women during all stages of their parenting journey.

Laura Hans: Pregnancy, Postpartum & Motherhood Psychotherapist. Again, another person I have worked with personally and she is a wonderful energy and full of knowledge. Trying to conceive can be a difficult time and it can certainly have an impact on your mental and physical health. Having someone to talk to during your journey can be really helpful to help you manage the complexities that come with some experiences.